Aadhar Card Loan

Aadhar Card Loan : Friends, if you are going through any financial problem and you need money immediately, you can easily get Rs. Can get loan up to 50,000/-. Today we will tell you how to take Aadhar Card Loan. This article explains the entire process of taking loan from Aadhaar card

To avail Aadhar Card Loan, you must have the following qualifications

The age of the loan applicant should be between 21 years to 60 years.

To avail loan, CIBIL score should be 750 or above.

Minimum monthly salary Rs. 15,000/- should be.

Aadhaar card should be linked with your mobile number.

Applicant should not be declared insolvent or fugitive from law.

Aadhar card loans usually have the same interest rate as personal loans. Generally this interest rate ranges from 10.50% to 14%. This interest rate may vary depending on the bank or institution you are taking the loan from.

Documents Required for Aadhar Card Loan

To get a loan through Aadhaar card, you must have the required documents for the loan application. Information about all these documents is given by the list below.

Aadhaar Card of the applicant

mobile no

PAN card

Passport size photograph

Bank account passbook

How to apply for Aadhar Card Loan online?

To get loan through Aadhaar card, first visit the official website of the concerned bank.

Now open the personal loan section in the website.

A new page will open in front of you with your Name, Mobile Number, Date of Birth, Aadhaar Card Number, PAN

Information like card etc will be asked.

Fill all these information correctly in this page and submit.

After this open the next tab.

Select the loan amount and tenure on this page.

Now your documents and eligibility will be checked by the concerned bank or institution.

If found eligible, the loan application will be approved.

If found ineligible, your loan application will be rejected.

On receipt of the letter, the loan amount will be credited to your account after the bank's prescribed process.

Through this simple process, you can pay Rs. Can get loan up to 50,000/-.

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